What do you need to Know While Planning a New Furnace Installation in Rochester, MN?

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If you are changing the furnace of your home, you may wonder what all is involved in a new furnace installation in Rochester, MN. One important point to remember is that the best time to install a new furnace is during the end of summer or early fall. You can also opt for cooling equipment installation at the same time which will help you save money on installing separate units for heating and cooling.

Your choice depends on where you live. If it’s warm throughout the year, then a heat pump would be a great option as it works well with mild climates. On the other hand, if winter temperature swings are severe in your area, the gas furnaces would be a better bet as they work efficiently even when the outside temperature plummets to minus 30 degrees Fahrenheit level. It is equally important to check the insulation of your home as it affects the cost of new furnace installation.

What is my budget? If you are on a tight budget, then you can opt for a heat pump as they save money on electric bills during mild weather conditions. However, if money isn’t a constraint, then a gas furnace would be the better choice as it works most efficiently even in the coldest weather.

Does the furnace offer an energy star rating? When choosing between gas furnaces vs heat pumps or any other type, make sure that its energy star rating is not less than 9.5. If it offers a 13-15 rating, then you can consider yourself very lucky as this means that the furnace meets or exceeds all federal guidelines and will save a lot of money on your utility bills during the year. Also, you would not need to worry much about furnace maintenance in Rochester, MN as it will be free of carbon monoxide leakage.

While planning for a new furnace installation, consider all these points carefully before investing your hard-earned money. Hawk’s Services is a well-known company that specializes in furnace installation, replacement, maintenance, and furnace repair emergency in Rochester, MN. Call us at 507-226-9950 for more information.